
tako ni hanetsuki

[Shogatsu no sugoshikata]

Shogatsu for the Japanese and Christmas for the Westerners are very similar. Most Japanese people have winter holidays from the 28th or 29th of December to the 3rd or 4th of January. Many people visit their parents' places with their family to spend the New Year holiday.So old parents have a happy time with their children and grand children.

Many housewives clean the house carefully and do special decorations to welcome the New Year. For example, Kadomatsu,a decoration made with pine branches, bamboo and straw, are always used to decorate the gate. Ever-green pine branches are a symbol of long life. They also prepare special New Year Dishes.

On New Year's Eve, the Temples around Japan ring their ceremonial bells 108 times. Teaching of Buddhism says that human beings are plagued by 108 sins, so 108 bells purify these sins. After the sound of the final bells, the New Year comes and the world is renewed.People feel that new life is started.

Many Japanese hear the bells of the near-by temple or temple on the TV program, while eating Soba (buckwheat noodles) at the end of the year. Fine long noodles are a symbol of long life.

On the 1st day, many people visit a temple or a shrine to pray for good luck and health during the upcoming year. They cerebrate the New Year with special Dishes. Parents or other members of the family give Otoshidama(special pocket money in a small envelope) to children.

This is a traditional way to spend the New Year Holiday, but our family's way is different. I clean up my house not so carefully, make some decorations and prepare special dishes. We never go back to my husband's hometown, because the trains and roads are very crowded.On New Year's Eve, We (my husband, my son and I) do ma-jang (Chinese table game) and eat Soba. Only this night, we permit my son to stay up all night, so he always tries to stay up until the New Year morning. This year, he (13 years old) watched a Japanese pop-song program on TV till 3 o'clock and slept in.

The New Year's day, my father who lives alone near my place visits us and we eat special dishes, drink Sake, beer, wine etc. and talk all day long. My husband and I don't have any religion, so we never go to a temple or a shrine on this day.
(9th January,1998)

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