
matsu ni tsuru(1-C)

[Katyou-ga](Japanese picture of flowers with birds)

Japan is westernized and the Japanese often thinks that Japanese old traditoin is out of date. However, when a new year will be soon, we are consious of Japanese tradition. It is in the time that the Japanse become the most Japanese. So, some advertisement of scrolls of Japanese paintig are seen on newspapers. Some are called Sansui-ga, which is a black and white Indea-ink painting and which origine is China. Some are called Katyou-ga, which origin is also China. In Katyou-ga, it is considered that a special bird matches a special tree naturally and aestheticly. Do you imagine which bird connect which tree ?
(I added some other decided motifs in Japanese paintings)
1 a pine
2 a Japanese apricot tree
3 a bamboo
4 a willow
5 a pampas grass
6 a maple
7 a wave
A a sparrow
B a plover
C a crane
D a deer
E a bush warbler
F a frog
G the full moon
(Ans, 1-C, 2-E, 3-A, 4-F, 5-G, 6-D, 7-B) Do you have similar connective motifs between bards and trees in English botanical art ? I often see a hummingbird with a tube-shaped flower and a cardinal with a Chirsitmas tree in U.S.A. Is it simular connections ? How about another countries ?

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